The 2019 Midwinters got of to a great start on Saturday February 9th. We had 9 yacht clubs participating with 23 race classes, 243 entries and greater than 1000 sailors. The weather played a major factor during this weekend. We had light to moderate winds with some rain on Saturday. Sunday would challenge our seamen skills on the water, starting out with light winds around the 1200 to 1300 hour then the wind and rain came in with intensity with winds steady at 20 -25 knots and gusts in the low 30’s…news this a small craft warning by the USCG.
All Race Committees continued the event on Sunday, rock and rolling on the signal boats. All racers and race committee boats and crew returned to port safely. Race entries at two of our yacht clubs exceeded the 2018 records, Junior sailing is doing well at DRYC with 78 Optimist entries and NHYC with 60 Sabot entries, outstanding turnout. Note we also had great event in San Diego with the large boats racing, these boats have 12 -15 crew on each boat. Pac52 (first place Interlodge VI, Skippers Austin and Gwen Fragomen, NYYC) and 52 class (first place Vesper, skipper David Team, NHYC). Thank you to all the race committees and hosting Yacht Clubs.