The event is to offer sailors an opportunity to sail under moon light just after dusk. The race is competitive, but more importantly to sail with some friends and enjoy the sunset and rise of the full moon. We have more couples and friends sailing this event than any other race. The race course is not set too long. We have boats sailing with handicaps of 27 to 228 seconds, fast boats and cruisers, plus it is a non-spinnaker event. The race is finished early enough for everyone to enjoy a late dinner at the club and tell stories.
We schedule the race to be on Friday of a full moon night or close to a full moon plus around any major race events in our area.
Race number 2 of the series is scheduled for March 2 and race 3 March 30th at DWYC.
This would be a great way to tune up your night sailing skills if you are planning on entering the Newport to Ensenada race