A New Year and the 85th Annual Midwinter Regatta is almost here. Keep checking for updates
We have just listed the proposed venues and classes for the next regatta. There have been some changes from previous years. In the San Diego area the Coronado Yacht Club is hosting a PHRF non-spinnaker random leg class. The will be family oriented for the less completive sailor. In Dana Point DWYC has opened up the cruising class to all boats in the harbor. At Marine del Rey SMWYC is hosting the PHRF fleet that sailed with KHYC last year. We are still recruiting new classes so check for updates.
New sponsors and partners have joined us this year so check what they have to offer. The weekend after our regatta boats again will be heading south from Newport Beach on the Border Run. If sails are keeping you from getting a trophy you will want to check out what HYDESAILS offer.
SCYA and the host Clubs look forward to the start of a great sailing season.